Elizabeth Pich
Elizabeth Pichs Figur Fungirl ist vor allem eins: unberechenbar.
Fungirl ist eine perspektivlose junge Frau, die ihre Tage zu Hause damit verbringt, zu masturbieren, Take-away-Pizza zu essen und alte Sitcoms zu schauen. Sie rennt von einer Affäre zur nächsten und ist hemmungslos und extrem in allem, was sie macht. Ihr neuer Job bei einem Bestattungsunternehmen bringt neues Chaos — ihr Leben ist eine Abfolge von absurden, politisch inkorrekten, slapstickartigen Situationen. Mit Becky, ihrer Mitbewohnerin und Ex-Freundin, sowie Beckys Freund Peter erlebt Fungirl skurrile Abenteuer voller Alkohol, Sex und Humor. Ihr Verhalten ist unangebracht, vulgär, opportunistisch und trotzdem (oder gerade deswegen) überraschend menschlich und charmant. Eine Ode an Screw-ups mit einem Herz aus Gold.
- Nominiert für den Max und Moritz-Preis 2024
Nominiert für den Prix Bédélys 2022 (Kanada)
Nominiert für den Lucca Comic Award 2023 (Italien)
2. Platz: Comic Bestenliste 1. Quartal 2024, Tagesspiegel
Sprache: Deutsch
Länge: 256 Seiten
Farben: vollfarbig
Maße: 17 × 23 cm
Verlage: Edition Moderne
ISBN: 978-3-03731-263-6
Release: 08 März 2024
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Edition Moderne
Once Upon A Workday
By Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz
Humorous and heartwarming tales of resilience, self-care, and mental health from the popular webcomic War and Peas.
These stories of heartache, self-doubt, family conflict, and employment help turn the struggle of becoming an adult in today’s world into something playful, punny, and profound. Once Upon a Workday will console and inspire the burnt-out professional in all of us.
Publisher: Andrews McMeel
Language: English
Length: 54 pages
Cover: Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.2 x 0.3 x 10.2 inches
ISBN : 978-1524882389
Release: 02 April 2024
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Salut La Terre
By Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz
«Salut la Terre ! Tu vas bien ?» «Moi ? Ça devrait aller. Vous par contre...Pas si sûr». La Terre est assise en toute quiétude sur une autre planète. Affublée de bras, de jambes, d’yeux et d’une bouche, elle est terriblement pertinente. Salut, la Terre sort des quatre mains et des deux cervelles de Jonathan Kunz et d’Elizabeth Pich, duo connu par des millions d’internautes pour leur webcomic War and Peas mais dont ils n’ont encore rien vu ! Car ce n’est pas un recueil de fan zone qui se déploie sous vos yeux mais une sorte de bestiaire tentaculaire, un herbier grimpant...une ode en forme de strips percutants qui remettent l’humour au centre de la Terre. Ainsi défilent tout au long de saynètes mordantes des chats, chiens, arbres, abeilles, escargots, fleurs, mantes religieuses mâles, sirènes, extraterrestres, vers de terre...ridiculisant les êtres humains à gogo qui en retour ne cessent de s’auto-humilier. Et tout ça posé sur le dos de qui ? Notre planète !
Language: French
Editor: Les Requins Marteaux
Length: 104 Pages
Color: Full-Color
Dimensions: 17.6 x 1.5 x 24.7 cm
ISBN: 978-2849613344
Relase: 20 October 2023
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Vulva Viking
Fungirl is turning her life around! She's got a new job slinging corndogs, and snagged a date with a handsome influencer.
First printing of 3,000 has a holographic foil cover🗡️
Language: English
Editor: Silver Sprocket
Length: 48 Pages
Color: Full-Color
Dimensions: 6" x 8.5"
ISBN: 979-8-88620-007-2
Release: 18 January 2023
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Vulva Viking
Fungirl, cette grande tige dévastatrice et attachante, a trouvé un job de vendeuse de corndogs (sortes de saucisses molles plantées sur des bâtonnets). Complètement inadaptée, elle se fait virer aussi vite qu'on réchauffe une curry-wurst au micro-ondes. Mais grâce à cet incident, elle fait la connaissance d'un beau skateur et instagrammeur, avec qui elle débute une histoire d'amour.
Language: French
Editor: Les Requins Marteaux
Pages: 48 Pages
Color: Full-Color
Dimensions: 17 x 23 cm
ISBN: 978-2-84961-326-9
Released: October 2022
Released: October 2022
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Irriverente, politicamente scorretto e dotato diuna comicità irresistibile, Fungirl racconta le avventure di unaragazza smarrita e irrequieta, con una sessualità disinibita euna schiettezza disarmante che travolge come un tornado tuttiquelli che le stanno intorno.
Language: Italian
Publisher: Coconino Press
Length: 256 Pages
Color: Full-Color
Dimensions: 17 x 24 cm
ISBN: 978-8-87618-626-4
Release: December 2022
Release: December 2022
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Fungirl est une fille maladroite, extravertie et provocatrice. Elle exaspère tout son entourage, de sa coloc (et ex-petite amie) au nouveau copain de celle-ci, jusqu'à son patron des pompes funèbres. Fungirl est une magnifique tornade qui sème le chaos partout où elle passe, c'est un shooter d'humour et d'irrévérence, une trace de vie pure, un orgasme explosif. Fungirl, c'est aussi une comète isolée se consumant trop vite dans un ciel constellé d'ennui et de bien-pensance.
Language: French
Publisher: Les Requins Marteaux
Length: 260 Pages
Color: Full-Color
Dimensions: 19,5 x 26 cm
ISBN: 978-2-84961-313-9
Release: November 2021
Release: November 2021
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Fungirl is a hapless (hopeless) hot mess of a woman crashing through life, leaving chaos in her wake. Although her oblivious antics infuriate her roommate, terrify the teenage skaters she tries to impress, and threaten her every opportunity for employment, Fungirl remains charming, transgressive, and hilarious.
“An outlandish romp past the boundaries of good taste and into dangerously revealing—and truly funny—psychic territory.”
— Publishers Weekly
Language: English
Publisher: Silver Sprocket
Length: 256 Pages
Color: Full-Color
Dimensions: 7 1/2" x 9 11/16"
ISBN: 978-1-945509-68-1
Release: November 2021
Release: November 2021
Specials: Hardcover, Foil, Edge-Painted Pages, Painted Headband
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You Are Revolting
Fungirl is back in this sensational, sopping wet one-shot!
With Becky away at college, Fungirl and Peter are left to their own devices. Suddenly, a mysterious renter appears in search of a room and charms our lust-ridden heroine. Is this blossoming connection too good to be true?
First Silver Sprocket printing has a holographic foil cover!
Language: English
Publisher: Silver Sprocket
Length: 32 Pages
Color: Full-Color
Dimensions: 6.625” x 10.187”
ISBN: 978-1-945509-93-3
Release: July 2022
Release: July 2022
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War and Peas
By Elizabeth Pich and Jonathan Kunz
War and Peas: Funny Comics for Dirty Lovers combines twisted humor with a beloved cast of characters including the grim reaper (seen here as an unintentionally lethal man of leisure), a robot in hopelessly in love with his scientist creator, and a promiscuous yet self-assured witch. Unlike most webcomic collections, this one tells a story using dozens of never-before-seen comics to chronicle the lives of several different characters and their follies during life, death, and their glorious reunions in the afterlife (and the after-afterlife).
Language: English
Publisher: Andrews McMeel
Length: 160 Pages
Color: Full-Color
Dimensions: 16.51 x 1.02 x 20.32 cm
ISBN: 978-1524854072
Release: March 2020
Release: March 2020
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Hungry For Love
“Elizabeth Pich’s Fungirl: Hungry for Love features many such incredibly charming moments of silliness, set against the backdrop of a lonely grey world. The expressive illustrations ooze personality and beautifully compliment her writing style, allowing her to weave tenderness and vulnerability into situations that are rich with comedy, and occasionally dip into uncanny territory.” – Cole Brent on Broken Pencil
Language: English
Publisher: Self-Published
Length: 48 Pages
Color: BW / Color
Dimensions: 22 x 29 cm
Release: 2019
Sold Out
Fungirl is up to no good.
Language: English
Publisher: Self-Published
Length: 16 Pages
Color: BW / Color
Dimension: 22 x 29 cm
Release: 2018
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